Web 2.0, Social networking and the social life of information

What is Web 2.0?

Examples of Web 2.0 sites include Facebook, Pinterest, wikis and blogs.  All of these sites have participatory elements in which you can edit and add to existing content, share information and engage in social interactions.  All of these examples of Web 2.0 are user-friendly and easily accessed.  There is no need to download anything and they can be accessed from any computer, anywhere.

Assessment 1

(a) define what social networking is

Social networking allows members to be a part of a virtual community in which they can communicate with friends and other contacts and share and organize  a variety of information and resources.  Social networking sites have a variety of uses and they can be used personally and professionally.  For example, LinkedIn is used to share information about your job and career interests.  It is a platform for connecting with other individuals in your field and for communicating your work experience.  Goodreads can be used to keep track of books you have read, want to read, rate books, write reviews and to share what you have read with others.

(b) I regularly use the following technologies:

  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Goodreads
  • LinkedIn

I have used these social networking sites in the past but not regularly:

  • Tumblr
  • Delicious
  • Twitter

(c) describe what you expect to learn from completing INF506.

I am hoping to development a better understanding and working knowledge of the various social networking sites that are available.  My experience is in public libraries and I would like to learn how these various technologies can be best applied and used in the field.  I would like to know how to advertise services, programs and events through these sites and how to develop a virtual community of users.  I would also like to learn how non-existing library users can be sought out.  I feel that this is extremely important because many people use social media sites and libraries are always looking for ways to make their services known.