Social Media Policy-Key points for Employees

1. Trust employees

2. Train

3.  Set expectations

4. Develop specific guidelines

5. Check facts/make corrections/respond in a timely manner

The first step to implementing a social media policy with regard to how employees should use social media is to make it known that you trust your employees.  With autonomy and trust, employees will feel empowered in their positions to make better choices for the organization.  If they do not feel trusted or respected, they are less like to want to show that same trust and respect for their work place.

The second step is training the employees with how to use social media.  The training should include how to post, how to respond to comments and questions, privacy and confidentiality issues and appropriate use.  All of the aspects of training should reflect the goals and standards of your specific organization.

Employee expectations should be clearly communicated so there is less chance of incorrect or inappropriate use.  What is the purpose and goal of your social media page and how should employees fulfill these goals.

Specific guidelines about best practices on posting and commenting should be developed.  The policy should include how you want your employees to respond to and deal with inappropriate comments. What are the consequences of such action?  Will the user will be blocked, will the comment  be deleted, etc.  Will negative comments be allowed and how will they be responded to?  Are employees encouraged to interact with users, are they speaking on behalf of the organization or should they make their identity known? What are the consequences if an employee comments inappropriately or does not comply with the expectations?  Is personal use of social media allowed during work hours? How will breaches in confidentiality and privacy be handled?

Lastly, the policy should outline the time frame in which users can expect a response.  Check content for validity and determine how any incorrect information will be handled.

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