Exploration of Delicious.com

I was intrigued by the idea of delicious.com and thought it would be useful for organizing websites and links that I wanted to save and re-visit for both personal and professional uses.  The user interface was simple and somewhat lackluster.  I was able to search for our group easily and follow it.  I started by adding the book marker icon to my browser and found several articles to bookmark.  This process was intuitive and easy.  I wanted to be able to organize my bookmarked pages into categories such as recipes, professional sites, etc.  The only way to organize the links however, is by tags, tag bundles, or date.  I didn’t like this aspect because my links wouldn’t be clearly labeled, I would prefer to have headings with all of the related links below.  The concept of tagging is useful because it allows for user generated content but it can also become unwieldy.  The amount of tags given to a link can be excessive and make it more difficult to organize and locate what you want.  Personally, I think the use of an RSS feed or software such as  would be more useful.  The bonus to Endnote is that you can search for articles, save links and can also easily create citations, bibliographies and share references.  It seems like the perfect all-in-one tool for professional work and research.  For personal use, I enjoy using  Pinterest for organizing recipes, library display ideas and anything fun.  Pinterest however, would not be a  good tool for organizing professional sources.

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